Do you ever interact or deal with any Muslims?

Mahmod, Faculty of Arabic Studies, Al Azhar University


  1. Since I was in second grade, about 7 years old, I have attended schools that were very integrated. The grade, middle, and high schools all had varied cultures of students. I have always felt very lucky to know all kinds of people and respect their differences.
    This made working with the public a lot easier once I got older. I enjoy being able to treat everyone equally and never look down upon another's culture just because it is different from mine.
    Stephanie Natividad Pelton
    Fresno, California

  2. I am a Muslim and Pakistani here in the US but it is unfortunate that i am afraid of interacting with Muslims, especially the Arab speakers. There are various reasons for that. Among them is their so called superiority complex. I feel the Arab Muslims think that they are the best Muslims and the best of human being. They deal with other Muslims as they know nothing about Islam or they practice some contaminated version of Islam. The Arab Muslims think their culture and way of life is what is true Islam. The see our culture and practices as Bidah. For them Islam is composed few practices and outlook, while for me Islam is a universal value system.
    I won't hesitate saying that though they can read Quran, but they misunderstood it. Otherwise they would have ruled the world like in Past. They take the textual meaning of Quran while eliminating the contextual and socio-cultural interpretation to explore and propagate Islam. I also avoid them because the mosques and madrasas being established by the Arabs in the form of true Islamic education put my country on fire.
    Allah has given us values let us practice those values our own way. We respect your culture please do respect ours. Don’t try to impose yours on me on the name of true Islam. Please stop building mosques and madrasas in my poor country it is fueling the fire. Please stop producing scholars who label every non Wahabi kafir and subject to covert or killed in my part of the world. Stop funding the street gangs to become jihadists. Please God created this world very balanced and beautiful filled with love, don’t fill it with hatred. I know you people got easy money if you can please spend it for good without altering the social fabric of the local community…we will be very thankful to you….

    A Pakistani Muslim


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